
FREE online training with the UK's leading industry expert



to support


whose babies are experiencing the distressing symptoms of colic, reflux and infant allergies ...without needing to resort to medication.


Often with a little guidance and simple strategies from you, the root cause of colic, reflux and infant allergies can be solved.

However sometimes there is an underlying issue where medical attention is required, such as GORD (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease), or even in the early days, Pyloric Stenosis – and it’s critical for baby that you know when to spot the signs and refer baby on for medical advice.

During this industry expert
training you’ll discover:


The 4 causes of crying, regurgitation and distress so you can help families soothe baby quickly…


WHY medication isn’t the answer for colic symptoms or gastric oesophageal reflux. (This information seems counterintuitive, but once you understand the reasons, you can help families far more effectively)…


3 proven strategies that address the underlying causes of colic, reflux and allergies, based on the latest evidence, so you create long-lasting success instead of a temporary fix that only addresses the symptoms…


What the overuse of specialist formula and medications has done to our infant population and why you need to know this when supporting parents and their infants…

This FREE TRAINING is a Must Attend If…

You're not sure where to begin.

You’ll walk away from this training with clarity regarding the key areas to review when working with an unsettled child.

You’ve been using specialist formula with clients.

And you can see that it’s not resolving the issue, so you want to discover how to find the root cause of the issue instead.

You want to know the very latest evidence-based strategies that work (as recommended by the experts)

Instead of wasting your time doing things that produce zero results and cause more stress and frustration for your clients and their infants.

You are frustrated by the lack of support for your clients.

You want to know where to focus in order to help your clients make informed decisions for their children based on evidence.

A huge thank you to Babyem, because I sent this webinar to my client and this helped them to understand more about reflux and that they have been overfeeding their boys.

I think these boys are going to feel much better soon. Thank you for everything you do!

Suzie Tate
Maternity Nurse

Suzie Tate

A huge thank you to Babyem, because me forwarding the webinar on to my clients has helped them to understand more about reflux and that they have been overfeeding the boys.

I think these boys are going to feel much better soon. Thank you for everything you do!

Suzie Tate
Maternity Nurse

Suzie Tate

Nothing beats learning from someone who has oodles of hands-on experience!

And that’s why you’re going to get so much GOLD from this FREE 60-minute Masterclass, because you’ll be hearing directly from Shel Banks, IBCLC & Infant Feeding Specialist, with a specialist interest in colic, reflux and infant allergies.

Shel has extensive experience within the NHS in research, training and project management. Her own successful private practice assists mothers and babies with feeding issues, and she also works in the tertiary sector with various national organisations. She is the author of “Why Formula Feeding Matters”, and is currently working on the Cochrane systematic reviews on Infantile Colic.

During this workshop Shel will be sharing her actionable tips and strategies with YOU, so you can start a career you love, caring for newborns and supporting their parents.

See you there!

Nothing beats learning from someone who has oodles of hands-on experience!

And that’s why you’re going to get so much GOLD from this FREE 60-minute Masterclass, because you’ll be hearing directly from Shel Banks, IBCLC & Infant Feeding Specialist, with a specialist interest in colic, reflux and infant allergies.

Shel has extensive experience within the NHS in research, training and project management. Her own successful private practice assists mothers and babies with feeding issues, and she also works in the tertiary sector with various national organisations. She is the author of “Why Formula Feeding Matters”, and is currently working on the Cochrane systematic reviews on Infantile Colic.

During this workshop Shel will be sharing her actionable tips and strategies with YOU, so you can start a career you love, caring for newborns and supporting their parents.

See you there!

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