
How to become a Maternity Nurse

How to become a Maternity Nurse?

Babyem provide accredited training for maternity nurses in the UK, working with most of the leading nanny and maternity agencies in the UK. Babyem are experienced and passionate about supporting experienced nannies and those with suitable medical backgrounds such as midwives to become maternity nurses. We have an excellent reputation for providing a range of accredited maternity training courses through Open College Network, which are both practical and informative, providing candidates with up to date theory and practice.

We also support candidates with their CV and to gain work experience, in order to increase confidence and gain the valuable experience required to become a maternity nurse.

The role of a Maternity Nurse

A maternity nurse is an experienced infant care provider who usually lives with a family and provides 24 hour on-call service after the birth of a baby.

A maternity nurse usually works six days per week, though some maternity nurses work day times or evenings only. Many maternity nurses are experienced nannies wanting to specialise in working with new borns or are trained nurses, midwife or health visitors .

Maternity Nurses are responsible for both the newborn baby and post natal mother. They are not working in any medical capacity but are qualified to aid and advise new parents with their newborn.

A maternity nurse is likely to support with the feeding, bathing, changing and settling of a baby as well as supporting mum in a general capacity. Many maternity nurses will support with breastfeeding, as well as supporting a mother that has been ill following delivery including mums with post natal depression. Supporting parents to implement a routine is another key aspect of the role, as well as integrating the new baby into a family where there are already children.

Empowering parents and ensuring that when the maternity nurse leaves parents feel confident to cope with their new baby is imperative to the role of the maternity nurse. Time is taken with both parents reassuring, listening, encouraging and providing advice where needed.

Experience and skills required of a professional Maternity Nurse

A professional maternity nurse should have the necessary experience/qualifications for her role.

We recommend that candidates should have at least 2 years experience as a nanny, although most have at least 4 years experience caring for children in a professional capacity such as being a midwife or paediatric nurse with some additional experience working within family homes.

There are of course many women have other professional experience, which is transferable to the maternity nurse role. If you have any queries, regarding this please contact 0208 986 9008.

Fees for Maternity Nurses

All maternity nurses in the UK are self-employed – this means that anyone working as a maternity nurse needs to ensure she has informed the Inland Revenue that she is self-employed. This means that when a maternity nurse starts working she is in the unusual position of negotiating her own pay. Through our training courses we address topics such as pay, contracts and negotiation skills.

We also have many nannies wanting to specialise in new borns, but carry on their role as a nanny being paid by their employer.

OCN Maternity Nurse Training Courses  (MNT)

Babyem have an excellent reputation for delivering accredited training for maternity nurses and nannies throughout the UK. Our range of courses for Nannies and Maternity Courses, delivered by experts in the field means that we are regarded by many as leaders in the field. Course reviews can be found here.

We actively support maternity nurses to gain work experience, so they are able to put theory into practice and gain the valuable experience required. All our maternity and nanny training courses take place in central London during the weekends at the Radisson Hotel in Kensington.

Many candidates start with the prestigious OCN Maternity Nurse Care Award (MNT) before going on to specialise in areas such as breastfeeding skills and nutrition (a vital part of your role as a maternity nurse) postnatal depression, caring for multiples, baby massage or sleep training.

Maternity Nurse Training Courses (MNT)

For full details on the Babyem's training for maternity nurses please click HERE, all accredited courses require candidates to complete a small piece of course work. Our Maternity Nurse training courses are interactive and fun, and we support each candidate individually.

For more information please contact 0208 986 9008 or email: info@babyem.co.uk

A maternity nurse is an experienced infant care provider who usually lives with a family and provides 24 hour on-call service after the birth of a baby.