
The Answers To 3 Huge Questions About Tongue-Tie

Question: – At What Point Does An Anterior Tongue-Tie Become A Posterior Tongue-Tie?

Answer: – The best way to answer this question is by understanding the difference between the two?

Tongue-tie comes in two forms (Anterior tongue-tie or posterior tongue-tie). Well, it does not matter which a baby has; both offer similar problems to the baby by restricting the movement of the tongue. Therefore, what is the difference between the two?

Anterior tongue-tie is a form of tongue-tie that is attached close to the tip of the tongue. This form of tongue-tie is visible to everyone. In other words, it is actually obvious. In fact, this form is easily accepted as tongue-tie and describes a tongue-tie tissue that is more than halfway forward to the tip of the tongue.

For this reason, any tie that starts from the tip of the tongue to the half point back; that is considered as an anterior tongue-tie. If, therefore, you come across any document talking about an Anterior tongue, automatically know that they are talking about a tongue-tie that does not go further beyond the halfway point along the underside of the tongue.

Posterior tongue-tie is a form of tongue-tie that is attached further back, and often they are not easily visible or obvious. In fact, it can be a challenge to notice it unless you actually lift the baby’s tongue or when they are crying. The posterior tongue–tie does not exceed the halfway point from the back.

For this reason, anything that is attached halfway along the under surface of the tongue, up to the base of the tongue is considered a Posterior tongue-tie. When it comes to posterior tongue-tie, people have different views on it; hence making it a controversial topic.

Question: – Does Tongue-Tie Affect Bottle-Fed Babies?
Answer: – The short and direct Answer Is YES.

As you probably know, tongue-tie is most likely going to affect a baby’s feeding capabilities. In fact, breastfed babies are more likely to be affected than bottle-fed babies. Here’s why: breastfed babies use their tongues in a more complex way to feed compared to bottle-fed babies. However, it is important to note that this does not mean that all bottle-fed babies will not be affected. On the other hand, some bottle-fed babies with tongue-tie can feed very well.

Often, you will see a bottle-fed baby experiencing similar feeding issues to those who are breastfed. That is because they are unable to make a good seal on the bottle and they tend to be messy. This makes them take in a lot of air while feeding because they cannot maintain the suction.

They will also experience problems with flow regulations. As such, you will find them gulping the bottle down very quickly and then feel uncomfortable or sick.

Other bottle-fed babies struggle to feed because they fail to make adequate suction. This makes them take a very long time to feed (they may take even up to 2 hours to complete a bottle feed). Some even fail to complete a bottle because they end up being tired and fall asleep (such a baby will demand to feed frequently).

Such a baby is more likely to have reflux and wind. Although the number of babies experiencing feeding problems who are bottle-fed is lower than those that are breastfed; still there are those who will experience feeding problems. For this reason, switching to bottle-feeding is not necessarily a solution. For this reason, if both fail, speak to a paediatrician.

Question: – What Can Be Done About Tongue-Tie?
Answer: – Consult A CQC (Care Quality Commission) or ATP (Association of Tongue-tie Practitioners) Registered Practitioner

The Association of Tongue-tie Practitioner took a bold step at the end of last year by advising members offering private tongue-tie surgery to suspend their services. This bold step came about intending to protect its members and not as a result of any risk, adverse incident, or complaint from the public.

The first time when ATP was set up, which was back in 2012; the CQC was contacted about the need for private practitioners to register with them (because the surgical procedure is a regulated activity). However, the organisation at that time saw no need of registering private practitioners because they felt under an exemption for private nursing care regulations.

However, with the growing number of private practitioners, this query was raised again recently. However, this time CQC response was conflicting and vague. Nevertheless, they recommended that if in doubt, private practitioners should seek legal advice and this is what ATP exactly did.

According to our attorney, he confirmed that the laws and regulations were difficult to follow and not written well. But, it was his views that private practitioners should register with the CQC to prevent a risk of prosecution or service suspension.

On the third of January, our attorney wrote a clarification request to the CQC on behalf of ATP. After constant consultation with parliament and waiting for five weeks, the CQC and other legal bodies confirmed that private tongue-tie practitioners do need to register with CQC. this confirmation came on 8th February. (CLICK HERE TO VIEW).

Since then, ATP members have sought registration, and today many applications have been completed. Many have also been granted, and others are in progress. Other practitioners have registered with organisations like Private Midwives, which simply means they are working under their governance arrangement. In this case, CQC registration is not needed.

Tongue-tie comes in two forms (Anterior tongue-tie or posterior tongue-tie). Well, it does not matter which a baby has; both offer similar problems to the baby by restricting the movement of the tongue. Therefore, what is the difference between the two?