

I completed 4 placements with Babyem, which were a mixture of multiples and single babies. I gained such diverse experience that was invaluable, including supporting with the care of a baby with a severe kidney condition (referred from Great Ormond St Hospital), and also with a baby that had a severe demonological skin condition.

Although I had worked as a nanny for 16 year prior to completing the maternity nurse training, without this course and the placements and on going support I don’t think I would have been working as a Maternity Nurse. I learnt so much evidence based information that really helped me understand the importance of why certain approaches are followed.

Having such a qualified teacher made a big difference, as being a known Lactation Consultant and Sleep Specialist I felt confident that we were being taught the most up to date methods, but also coming from someone that deals with complex issues on a daily basis through her own practice.

RABIA DOUCOURE | Maternity Nurse


I really enjoyed having the flexibility to study at my own pace. As most child carer’s will know, we work long hours and it can be difficult to find a lot of spare time to study and do other things away from our workplace, so flexibility really was key for me!



“I searched for quite a while to find a course, and what won me over with Babyem is how attentive they are….

The course exceeded my expectations and explored all possible topics that I could imagine, all of which was based on scientific research.

If you are looking for something that can actually teach you about how to be a Maternity Nurse in depth you will not be disappointed. Thank you Babyem!”

ANNA CHRYSA RUTTER | Nanny & Montessori Teacher


The training and the pre-recorded webinars and support through social media groups is fantastic, as it ensures you don’t miss anything, and it’s there for you when you need it! Having recently passed the course, I’m now really looking forward to my first placement starting next week!”



“I found the Online Maternity Nurse Training Level 4 Course by Babyem to be a perfect fit for my needs. As it was online, I was able to complete the course remotely while traveling and was able to do so at my own pace, which coincided with my busy work schedule.

The course itself was really well put together, thorough and informative. It was also up-to-date in that it contained all the accepted recommendations by national governmental agencies and reviewed the current best practice solutions to various everyday situations.

I would definitely recommend it to anyone was thinking about entering the field. I also believe it would be an ideal option for current maternity nurses who could benefit from a refresher course.”



This course gave me lots of new information for future jobs and was really interesting. I loved the PTSD section as this was something I had not thought of before and found all of the props, video and case studies really useful. You know when you train with Babyem that you are learning from the best in the industry.

JULIE FLOOD | Maternity Nurse


I loved the fact we had time to share experiences and reflect with such an experienced team of specialists.

Excellent speakers and lots of interesting information. I loved the fact this course has been created by such an experienced team of specialists. I found the module on birth trauma and bereavement particularly fascinating.



I got offered a job after just one day on Babyem’s Maternity Placement Scheme, working with twins which were 6-weeks premature.

DARCEY DAVID | Maternity Nurse

The Holistic Sleep Coaching Program in an innovative and refreshing approach for those seeking to refine their sleep skill-set, encompassing a broad range of essential topics which impact a child’s healthy sleep habits.

ROZANNE HAY | International Association of Child Sleep Consultants UK Representative

“This course is so needed. It is a welcome alternative to other courses using much more gentle methods without the need to leave the baby to cry, which is unacceptable to many families. It incorporates small changes to routine and environment which can make a big difference to sleep. It is very adaptable to each family’s situation. I will certainly be incorporating these ideas in my work with twin and triplet families.”

KATHRYN STAGG | IBCLC, Breastfeeding Twins and Triplets UK Group

“The Holistic Sleep Coaching Program is a comprehensive training program for practitioners seeking in-depth knowledge of infant sleep and related topics. The content is evidence-based and includes guest lectures from well-known experts in these fields.”

PROFESSOR HELEN BALL | Lecturer in Anthropology at Durham University, Director of the Parent-Infant Sleep Lab, Co-Director of Infant Sleep Information Source, Chair of the Scientific Committee – Lullaby Trust

“The course is supported by a sound evidence base of up-to-date literature. I would thoroughly recommend this course to any professional wishing to update their training on how to support parents with normal infant sleep.”


DR AMY BROWN | Associate Professor of Child Public Health, Swansea University


sian holistic sleep coach

“My work has literally quadrupled since completing the training and I now have a sustainable business. The marketing week was a life changer. I previously thought I had this figured out with a reasonable social media following that was bringing in work, but it has really changed how I operate in my business and my life! I now truly value myself and the time I give families properly.”




The Holistic Sleep Coaching Program is an innovative and refreshing approach for those seeking to refine their sleep skill-set, encompassing a broad range of essential topics which impact a child’s healthy sleep habits.

ROZANNE HAY | International Association of Child Sleep Consultants UK Representative


Prior to working as a Sleep Coach, I worked in the City, however, after the birth of my child I really wanted to do something that meant something more to me! I learned so much during this course about sleep, and also on the business side of things (which I wasn't expecting)! I've now been able to promote my business in a way that attracts the right clients for me which is amazing.

ISADORA AMBROSE | Sleep Coach & Parent Educator


“Having completed other sleep courses I signed up for the Holistic Sleep Coaching Program as I didn't feel I had the knowledge I needed to support my clients in the way they needed. The Holistic program goes into areas that other courses just don't touch, and as a result, this course has given me the breadth and depth of knowledge I was really looking for.”


Rachael Taylor, Sleep Coach

“Babyem are consistently brilliant. They focus on the evidence and empowering families, and their trainers are all well known in their own right.”


V Townsend, Breastfeeding Counsellor & Newborn Care Specialist

“This course had a great balance of written content and practical videos, the course is easy to follow and in bite-size modules, which made it totally manageable around my busy life!The trainers are highly knowledgeable and supported me, answering every question I had the whole way through… I can’t recommend enough!”



“I really enjoyed having the flexibility to study at my own pace. As most child carer’s will know, we work long hours and it can be difficult to find a lot of spare time to study and do other things away from our workplace, so flexibility really was key for me!”



“I found the webinars and the live Q&A sessions extremely helpful as these threw more light on different ways of dealing with sleep problems!

At the time of completing the course I was working with a family with a teething baby, this threw all the progress that had been made out of the window and with the information from this course, I was able to reassure parents and we have slowly worked our way through this and got the sleep back on track!”

MIRIUM MUGANWA | Maternity Nurse

The Gentle Sleep Practitioner course was perfect and exactly what I was looking for. Working with the parents has also been so important to me and making sure they feel empowered. Babyem’s course went into depth on all sleep topics and also on empowering parents and supporting them fully. Now I can’t wait to take another course from Babyem!!

CHRISTINA LUBRANO | Paediatric Sleep Consultant


“The Gentle Sleep Practitioner Level 3 is an excellent introduction to understanding the science of sleep.

The Q&As provided a wonderful learning opportunity to ask questions, review case studies as well as discuss any issue you might have with a family you are working with. The Facebook group is very supportive, and Andrea is always on hand to answer your questions on the course or offer advice, when you are supporting a family.

I have taken a number of courses with Babyem and have always found them to be very supportive and encouraging. I would highly recommend this course as a starting point to learning about infant sleep.”

GAYE MCKEOGH | Nanny & Montessori Teacher


“I loved this course! The scenarios, the experiences that were shared and the tutor is truly amazing. I now feel I have the knowledge to implement changes with confidence.”



“This course was really helpful and informative. Great to have a deeper understanding of sleep and tools to support common issues gently. I found it particularly useful to be able to look at a range of sleep issues with children of different ages and think about the different methods could be used and when.

JULIE CLARKE | Maternity Nurse

It was a great pleasure taking the Gentle Sleep Practitioner Course! Babyem stands for outstanding quality, evidence-based material, personal and fast support, and getting tutored by the top people in their field is a major bonus on top!

At first, I was afraid that I would not be able to do the assignment properly because of my English (it’s my second language), but everything was explained so well that I didn’t have any trouble!

There is nothing left to say, except THANK you and I will be back for the next course with Babyem for sure!!!

JULIA DYMAK | Maternity Nurse

“This course was full of excellent methods for gentle sleep training and the teacher was friendly and informative. This course is perfect for anyone working with babies and young children who are seeking nurturing alternatives to cry-it-out sleep training methods.

Thank You Babyem, it was amazing!”

KIRSTY BENNETT | Maternity Nurse


The instructor was very patient, engaging and fun! I learnt a lot that will be useful for everyday life as well.



“The teacher was brilliant, engaging and informative, and there was no waffle at all! I thought the whole course was fantastic and I feel much more confident.”



This course was easy to understand and the teacher had a brilliant delivery style. It has provided me with the information and steps on the best way to respond in an emergency. Another great course by Babyem!

Thank You Babyem, it was amazing!



I have attended many first aid courses over the 15 years that I have worked in childcare. This was hands down the best course I have been to! It helped to have the online learning part to digest before the course and the teacher made everything easy to understand.

EMMA DONNERLY | Maternity Nurse


“This is a topic that is so needed and there is so little evidence based research out there for parents.”



sleep testimonial

“Very Informative especially regarding Cow Milk Protein Allergy”


BEATRICE BANGI | Maternity Nurse

“Informative, factual and scientific information – Best CPD I have done to date”



The amount of detail about the science and evidence-based information was excellent, felt like I was reading a medical journal!



“The Babyem Postnatal Depression course has been really invaluable to me as a breastfeeding support volunteer. We all know how important it is to talk about postnatal depression, but we also know that it's a really challenging topic and something that's really difficult to bring up. The section that talked about societal pressures and expectations of parenting is a really, really useful resource to provide some foundation work, to start that conversation in a nonjudgmental way, and really gives a good understanding as to why so many people struggle with their mental health after they've had a baby, and it's really sensitively worded. I also really love that the resources are embedded within the course and the resources, not only for my own further learning, but also resources that are appropriate to share with families, which I think is so, so useful to have.”

The Babyem course is a fantastic resource to learn about perinatal mental illness. It has content from clinical and perinatal psychologists who do very short, informative, and easy to follow videos, so you can learn as you go along.

The course itself is split into little sections, when it looks at things such as transition to parenthood; all the different perinatal mental illnesses, so you can learn about symptoms and how it affects parents; partners becoming parents; and then also teaching people how they can look after themselves. It's a really useful guide to go through, and at the end of each section is a quiz, so you can test yourself and your learning, and then you can go back and do some more reading and go back and re-quiz yourself as well.

EVE CANAVAN | Coordinator of the UK Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week


I really valued the insights I gained on this course. As an IBCLC and NHS tongue-tie specialist midwife, I found it to be a thorough, well researched informative training course. I would highly recommend it especially to fellow midwives, health visitors, paediatric and neonatal nurses, doctors and anyone with a keen interest in restrictive lingual frenulum (tongue-tie). Sarah has a huge knowledge base on the subject which she shares here. She is honest about what we do not yet know, and about the myths and controversies involved in the subject.

LUISA LYONS | Registered Midwife & IBCLC


This course came at a good time, having just supported a family where the baby had a posterior tongue-tie which wasn’t obvious, and something both parents had as children. As a result of taking this course, I feel more confident that I can inform, advise and signpost parents who have concerns.

TOLANI FAJOBI | Maternity Nurse





“This course was a real eye-opener for me, especially looking at how tongue-tie affects both bottle-fed and breastfed babies! The course was well put together and I now feel better able to support the families I’m working with.”


KADI LEPPIK | Maternity nurse & Breastfeeding Support Worker


“I found the level 3 Tongue Tie & Infant Feeding Course to be very informative and useful for my clients as it not only highlights the variety of signs of symptoms of a tongue tie, but also the treatments for the condition.

As a Maternity Nurse, it is essential that we are able to support mothers and fathers through their newborn’s early stages. I believe knowing this information will allow me to prepare and fully inform prospective clients on how tongue-tie is diagnosed and treated, as well as the potential impact on feeding it may have and the aftercare treatments involved. I now feel much more confident in my knowledge of the condition and how to support parents with a child who has a tongue-tie.”




“The course is detailed and analytic and I especially enjoyed the wealth of supporting strategies and videos with Sarah Oakley which demonstrated her extensive experience and passion for the subject. As a result of this course, I feel better equipped to support mums and their infants throughout their breastfeeding journeys and highly recommend this course for all professionals supporting families and infants.”


DORIS NGINIS | Maternity Nurse


This course on tongue-tie is very comprehensive. It addresses all the common questions, concerns and misconceptions around tongue-tie in a factual and easy to digest way. I have enjoyed working my way through it and would highly recommend it to health professionals and anyone supporting infant feeding.

FIONA MUNRO_MUOTUNE | “This course on tongue-tie is very comprehensive. It addresses all the common questions, concerns and misconceptions around tongue-tie in a factual and easy to digest way. I have enjoyed working my way through it and would highly recommend it to health professionals and anyone supporting infant feeding.

I felt this course give me a good understanding of tongue-tie and how it impacts a child’s ability to feed as well as other areas such as speech – which was fascinating. I found the course to be very detailed and the videos and quizzes made it easy to digest that information. I was hesitant to sign up to an online course as I prefer face to face learning, but this far exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend it.

DORA SANVEE | Childcare Support Worker