How tongue tie impacts breastfeeding
A lingual frenulum is a normal part of the development of the mouth and tongue. A tongue tie is also known as ankyloglossia.
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A lingual frenulum is a normal part of the development of the mouth and tongue. A tongue tie is also known as ankyloglossia.
Planning how to feed your baby is as important as planning your birth.
It can be really reassuring for families to have a bit of stored colostrum so that their baby can have it as their first feed after birth, if there are any problems getting baby to latch straight away.
This is a basic troubleshooting process that a peer supporter or IBCLC will go through with you, if you’re having a feeding assessment.
IBCLC Charlotte Treitl shares her top tips for supporting optimal position and attachment in the breastfed baby.
Babies are really clever, they know how to tell us when they’re hungry from birth. Have you ever seen the newborn breastcrawl? (You can see