Today we’d like to focus on how we can be kind to ourselves, and how we can be kind to our colleagues and friends working in the childcare industry.
World Kindness Day 2020

Today we’d like to focus on how we can be kind to ourselves, and how we can be kind to our colleagues and friends working in the childcare industry.
Starting a new job as a nanny will be hugely exciting, giving you the opportunity to nurture a future generation and get to know a new family. However, before you start you need to make sure you are covered as an employee.
“Touching is the first communication a baby receives,” says Frederick Leboyer, author of Loving Hands. “The first language of its development is through the skin.”
It is important for us to be aware of the potential dangers around our own home and to remove them as far as we possible can – tabletops and cupboards are no longer beyond reach for the little explorers!
Potty training is a key transition that many parents and nannies we work with find difficult. We were lucky to catch up with Judith Hough and Diane Titterton , the authors of ‘How to Potty Train’ to find our more about their national ‘Dry like me campaign’. Here are a few of their favourite tips that may come in handy!
Numerous studies show that the basis of good health in later years is laid down in child´s formative years. Essentially, healthy children make healthy adults.
We have listed our top free activities for children and young people in London.
With many parents finding it hard enough to get children to eat 5 portions, we have outlined our top tips for supporting children to eat more fruit and vegetables.
We have listed a few key factors of keeping children safe in the Sun which have to be considered before taking them out.
Summer is finally here and many of us are going on holiday to have fun by the beach or pool. But as a childcarer or parent it is really important that we are aware of all the risks, so that children are safe at all times.