Celebrate Halloween with children in London

Are you thinking about how to celebrate Halloween with children in London? Find bellow a selection of the best places you can visit!

Fortnum & Mason's Pumpkin Carving Competition

Wed Oct 31 2012 Fortnum & Mason, 181 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LE

Take part in the Fortnum & Mason pumpkin competition.

First Part: (3pm / 1st floor demonstration kitchen / For children age up to 10) Not only a pumpkin carving competition, but also a chance for children to dress up!

Second Part (6pm / Ground floor Gallery Restaurant / For children aged 11+)

Call 0845 602 5694 to sign up

The Secrets Behind the Dark Arts

Oct 27-Nov 4 Warner Bros Studio, Aerodrome Way, Leavesden, Watford, Herts, WD25 7LS

  This event is definitely a choice for you if your children are big fans of  ‘Harry Potter'. Children can explore the make up and costume techniques used during the films. Other attractions include a ‘lesson' in the Potions classroom, where over 500 potions jars with handwritten labels are displayed.

Live Canon's Halloween Poetry Party

Wed Oct 31 Horniman Museum, 100 London Road, London, SE23 3PQ

The Horniman Museum is running a fun filled Halloween poetry activity for children aged 3 to 8 years. Activities will include witching word games, poetry pumpkins and lots of interactive fun and music.

London Dungeon

28-34 Tooley StreetBankside, London SE1 2SZ

Date of Halloween events: 29th September ~ 4th November 2012
Pricing: on-line from £16 (Adults); £10 (Children) | flexible time ticket from £28.52 (Adults), £22.52 (Children)

Be prepared to feel your blood freeze this Halloween at the London Dungeon. With lots of Trickster lying in wait, you won't forget this experience for a long time!

Messy Play ideas for Halloween

There are many exciting messy play activities that you can create with children this Halloween. One of our favourite activities is making Creepy Crawly Jelly which develops the senses of children too! See below for recipe suggestions:

How to make Creepy Crawly Jelly!

You will need:

  • Bowl
  • Jelly
  • Plastic spiders and other bugs



Make the jelly according to the packet instructions, involving older children in this process. Talk the children through the process as they help and let them watch the jelly cubes melt into the warm water. The children can then put plastic spiders and other bugs into the jelly before placing it in the fridge to set.

Once set put the jelly onto the table or into a large bowl to play with and explore.

If you wish to complete this activity with children under the age of two larger plastic bugs will need to be used, so you will fit less in the jelly, so you may prefer to make more jelly to cover these larger bugs.

Are you thinking about how to celebrate Halloween with children in London? Find bellow a selection of the best places you can visit!