How to write a good Maternity Nurse CV

Having a Maternity Nurse CV is one of the key ways you can promote or advertise yourself, showcasing  your skills and qualifications as a Maternity Nurse. There is no right or wrong way to write a CV, however we have outlined the key areas that need to be considered when creating a Maternity Nurse CV, as well as providing a sample CV template.

Make it clear, consistent and concise

It must be easy for the employer to read your Maternity Nurse CV. Present it neatly with easy to read fonts (i.e. Times New Roman and Arial) and sizes between 10-12. Keep your CV short but comprehensive. Ideally, a two- sided A4 is enough.

Get the basics down

The Maternity Nurse CV should include your personal and contact information such as name, address, contact number and email address.

Standing out from the very start

Research shows that employers normally look at the top third of a CV before deciding if they want to continue to read the rest. Adding a personal statement at the top would also be a great way to briefly introduce yourself and highlight your childcare and maternity qualifications and skills. When writing the personal statement, think about your unique selling point. Have you worked with multiples? Or helped families with issues such as colic and reflux?

Highlight your skills, qualifications and experience

Having the knowledge and skills as a Maternity Nurse is important for employers. Write them with the most recent first. When outlining your qualifications, include the start and end dates, name of establishment and most especially your qualification gained. As for your career history, add in the start and end dates, employer’s name, location, details about the children (i.e. newborn, twins, premature, etc.), your duties and responsibilities. When outlining your duties think about what employers will need. For example, have you helped implement a sleep routine, or supported a mother to breastfeed?

Remember to include all other relevant information. If you have worked in a Nursery, you may have cared for a number of babies, tending to multiple routines and requirements on a daily basis. This is a good thing! The key is making it clear to employers the additional skills you have, and how this experience has enhanced your ability to work as a maternity nurse.


We recommend that you write ‘References available upon request’, rather than adding the personal details of families.

Update your CV

Before giving your Maternity Nurse CV to an employer, review if your personal details are updated and include additional skills or qualifications gained.

There is no right or wrong way to write a CV, however we have outlined the key areas that need to be considered when creating a Maternity Nurse CV, as well as providing a sample CV template.