
The journey to becoming fully booked as a Sleep Coach in only 9 months (with Claire Maguire)

I can use every second I’m with a client-focused on helping them, knowing that there is something automatic in the background running the business.

What your baby’s poo is telling you, and what to do about it (with Charlotte Treitl)

If eyes are the window to the soul, poo is the window to the digestive system.

Dog and baby safety, what you need to know to create a smooth transition (with Michelle Stern)

Civic Center Farmers Market

We have to keep the care team safe. We have to make sure that they don’t feel in danger, or else that’s going to cause stress to the mum, or cause potential danger for the baby.

Innovation in infant feeding: using technology to provide remote breastfeeding support (with Dr Chen Mao Davies)

My guest today, Dr Chen Davies, shares her inspiring story of turning her painful experience into an award winning innovative smartphone app, to revolutionise the way new mums can access breastfeeding support.

How to uncomplicate your marketing and sell your service with ease  (with Marketing and Sales Specialist – Erika Tibbens)

My guest today, Erika Tebbens, is going to share just how to use your talent to increase your sales so that you can make the revenue and create even more impact.

Moving away from sleep training and the need for a more holistic approach (with Lyndsey Hookway)

In this episode my guest IBCLC & Holistic Sleep coach Lyndsey Hookway shares how we are moving away from sleep training and the need for a more holistic approach, which is so much more than the range of sleep strategies in our tool kit.